Tuesday, April 15, 2014

How We Both Wondrously Perish (New Album) by Being As An Ocean

Now, I don't know about you guys, but I can be VERY sensitive to music, to the point of crying. It's just something that I've always been very very very passionate about. I write my own music, but of course nothing like professionals. Music has played probably THE BIGGEST role in my life. It's gotten me through depression, certain thoughts, hatred, rage, and a lot of other feelings. I listen to specific genres of music. My top 3 being Rock (In General) , Dubstep, and a little bit of classical. One particular band has caught my eye for the longest while now and words cannot explain how much I love these guys. These guys have honestly helped me more than any other band or any other person in my life. The name of this band is Being As An Ocean. There newest song "Death's Great Black Wing Scrapes the Air", has so much meaning to it. So much passion put into, not only the instruments, but also the lyrics.. The lyrics talk about today's society. How nowadays, men will kill family members and other loved ones in fits of rage. How society has taught us to be blind, close-minded, and selfish. How nowadays, even animals care more about each other than humans care for other humans. This is very sad, yet very true. This band does do a lot of screaming in their music and I know a lot of people would prefer to not listen to it, so I've put a link down below so you can read the lyrics for yourself. Please, while you read this, keep an open-mind. Read the lyrics and just imagine all the lyrics into today's society. Apply every word of this song into what you see on the news. I hope you'll find the true meaning of this song, as well as appreciate and enjoy this song as much as I do. Much love, guys. xo.

"It's up to us to hold each other's dignity
To recognize we've chosen the wrong enemy.
Hate, ignorance, & inhumanity are what we should be battling.
Now's the time for Knowledge
Now's the time for Truth
Humanity has already suffered so much abuse.
We must take responsibility to do away with apathy.
Unlearn society's teachings
To be blind and selfish."
- Joel Quartuccio (Lead singer of Being As An Ocean)
